RANKED: What are Georgia’s main fruit and vegetable crops (HINT: it’s not peaches)

Georgia long has been associated with peaches, although peaches don't even rank in the top 10, in terms of food crops in Georgia.

Not trying to be the burster of bubbles here, but Georgia is “The Peach State” in name only. 

A total of 126 Georgia counties have zero commercial peach farming operations, while only five Georgia counties have more than 250 acres.

Nationally, Georgia typically ranks a distant third behind South Carolina, which ranks a very, very distant second to California, which grows roughly three times as many peaches as every other state combined.

Getting back to Georgia, peaches didn’t even crack the top 10 in 2022, in terms of Georgia food crops and their respective farm gates. Farm gate, by the way, basically means the dollar amount of a commodity if that commodity was purchased directly from the farm, as opposed to a wholesaler or retailer.

Here are the rankings:

1) Peanuts – $791 million

2) Corn (includes sweet corn) – $711  million

3) Blueberries – $449 million

4) Pecans – $401 million

5) Onions – $174 million

6) Bell Peppers – $153 million

7) Watermelon – $143 million

8) Soybeans – $103 million

9) Tomatoes – $84 million

10) Cucumbers – $82 million

11) Peaches – 81 million

12) Leafy greens – 68 million

13) Squash – 53 million

14) Grapes – 47 million

15) Squash – 53 million

The peach is closely related to almonds, cherries and plums.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
Documentation of the first cultivated peach was recorded by Chinese in 10th century.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
It was early American Indian tribes who spread the peach tree across our country, taking seeds with them and planting them.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
All peaches are native to China, where the only wild peaches still grow today.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
Flowers appear on the tree before leaves. They consist of 5 pink petals.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
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First fruit will appear on the peach tree after 3 years. This plant usually lives around 12 years.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
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NOTE: Crop data compiled by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development’s “Georgia Farm Gate
Value Report 2022.”

IMAGE CREDITS: Cover photo – Explore Georgia // Body font photo – Google Gemini